Friday, 27 June 2008

Porridge, anyone?

IMG_1809.thumbPhoto taken at 01:30 this morning of fish racks on the beach outside - the schoolhouse I'm staying in is the orange yellow building just behind the left-hand-most rack.

Oh dear, I think I'm going to have to lie down for a bit longer. I made the mistake of absentmindedly cooking up porridge with bananas and sultanas for a family of three this morning, and since there's no bin here I felt obliged to eat it all - about 1.5 litres of it...

Never mind, the sun has come out during the night and there is now more than enough blue sky to make a Dutchman a pair of trousers. I plan to launch myself on a porridge-powered odyssey to Nyksund at the top of the archipelago, which was rescued from the elements by an enterprising group of young people a decade ago after being abandoned by its former inhabitants. It is something of a holy grail for German cyclists to get there and stay in a rebuilt rorbu apparently.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jerry - stunning photgraph. Are you staying in the schoolhouse for the whole week? Countryside and comfort: that's my favourite! I am off to thew lakes for two weeks in July. Will continue to read your adventures.

Jannicke said...

Hello Jerry,
I have just for the first time visited your blog, very impressing ! Interesting reading and great photos ! I wish you most of all a blue sky and dry shoes !
Best wishes,
Jannicke at Skansen Pensjonat,