Monday, 21 July 2008

In the departure lounge again

Now I am beginning to remember why I said I would never do this flying business with SAS again. The check-in at Bodø went fairly smoothly despite them detecting 55 kilos of baggage when the limit is 20 and 8 in the hand, but unfortunately the 12:40 flight has been rescheduled for 14:30 because the original 'plane has a technical problem and a new one has to be flown up to Bodø to replace it. This cuts my transfer time in half - always notoriously difficult to switch to a different aircraft in Oslo because of the hassle of collecting bike and bags for a connecting flight. Nothing to do except cash the 100 Kr lunch voucher, and see how things pan out.

I need a clue about cycling from Stockholm airport towards the city too - ideas anyone?


Anonymous said...

Hej Jerry !

I'am Romain : your ex room mate at Roar's place !

it's a real pleasure to follow you thanks to the Internet ! We are far but near, it's fantastic !

Now, you have my Email,

See you soon !


Jerry said...

Great to hear from you, where are you Romain?

Anonymous said...

Romain! Clearly, you were (and proably stil are) in need of this: Golden Shellback Waterproof Coating

;) Hugs from ze German!